Data Source:Laws and Regulations Retrieving System of the Banking Bureau

Title: Clauses of the Real Estate Securitization Act (2017.12.06 Modified)

  Chapter Two Real Estate Investment Trust

   Section One Public Offering and Private Placement of Real Estate Investment Trust Funds

Article    6    (Documents required for the public offering or private placement of trust beneficiary securities investments)To publicly offer or privately place REIT beneficiary securities, the trustee shall submit the following documents to the competent authority for approval or effective registration. The regulations governing the review process, requirements for approval or effective registration, and other matters of compliance shall be prescribed by the competent authority:
1. The REIT plan;
2. The REIT contract;
3. A comparison table of the REIT contract and the standard contract specimen;
4. The prospectus or investment memorandum;
5. Documentation evidencing that the operating and managerial personnel of the REIT fund are in compliance with the regulations prescribed by the competent authority;
6. Namelist, and documentation of qualifications, and consent letter (to the appointment) of the trust supervisor, if any;
7. Minutes of the resolution adopted by the trustee’s board of directors for public offering or private placement of REIT beneficiary securities;
8. Explanations regarding the methods of managing and disposing the trust property. Where a real estate management institution is appointed to manage or dispose trust property, the appointment agreement or other documentary proofs are required;
9. Case checklist filled out by the trustee and reviewed by a certified public accountant (CPA) or lawyer;
10. Legal opinions of a lawyer; and
11. Other documents as required by the competent authority.
The competent authority shall consult with the central competent authority in charge of the target enterprise concerned for written opinions when examining the documents as prescribed in the preceding paragraph.
Where a REIT fund has promoters, the promoters shall not be misrepresentative, fraudulent or misleading with regard to the information they provide to the trustee for the public offering, issuance or private placement of REIT beneficiary securities.
Where the promoters of a REIT fund violates the preceding paragraph, they shall be held liable for damages sustained by the bona fide purchasers or sellers of the beneficiary securities therefrom.
Where the real estate or related rights of real estate that the promoters plan to assign has lien thereon, the promoters shall remove the lien registration and provide the trustee with relevant proof document.
Article    7    (Apply for approval from the Central Bank in advance for offering or private placement of funds in foreign countries)The Trustee that plans to publicly offer or privately place REIT funds overseas for domestic real estate investment shall apply for the approval of the Central Bank prior to the application for approval or effective registration of public offering, additional offering, or private placement.
Article    8    (Items to be specified in the plan)A REIT plan shall contain the following particulars:
1. Name and address of the trustee; where a real estate management institution is appointed to manage or dispose the trust property, the name and address of the appointed institution; and names and addresses of the promoters and arranger, if applicable;
2. Name and duration of the REIT fund;
3. Matters concerning REIT beneficiary securities as follows:
(1) The total amount of the REIT fund to be publicly offered or privately placed and the total units of beneficial interests; and
(2) Methods and dates of issuance or delivery, the amount of purchasing each unit of beneficial interests, expenses, and transfer restrictions of REIT beneficiary securities;
4. Conditions under which the publicly offered or private placed REIT fund is established or not established, and method of handling in case the REIT fund is not established;
5. Valuation method, valuation bases, and expert opinions regarding the expected income of the trust property;
6. Investment plan: including the types and locations of real estate or other investment objects planned to purchase, manage or dispose, and planned holding period, sources of funds, utilization and management modules, cost recovery, financial projections, and estimated rate of return;
7. Real estate development plan: including the types and locations of real estate or related rights of real estate planned for development, and related market analysis, feasibility study, title search report, appraisal report, planned development schedule and projects, phase plans and control modules for acquisition, development, sale or operation management plans , sources of funds, fund utilization and control modules, cost recovery, financial projections and estimated rate of return, expert opinions, and self-evaluation plan;
8. In case the real estate development project is delayed or not completed , the method of handling, impact on the interests of the beneficiaries, and agreement on rights and obligations among the trustee, the real estate management institution, and the beneficiaries; and
9. Other matters as required by the competent authority.
The experts that offer opinions as prescribed in Subparagraph 5 and Subparagraph 7 of the preceding paragraph shall not be a related party or substantive related party as defined in The Statement of Financial Accounting Standards No. 6 to the trustee or the owners of the real estate.
Article    9    (Documents required for changes in investment trust plans)The trustee shall operate the REIT business in accordance with the REIT plan approved by or effectively registered with the competent authority.
The trustee, after publicly offering or privately placing REIT beneficiary securities, shall not alter the REIT plan unless with the resolution of the beneficiaries’ meeting as well as the approval of, or effective registration with the competent authority. However, if the alteration has no significant impact on the rights and interests of the beneficiaries, such alteration may be made with the approval of, or effective registration with the competent authority.
The application or registration as referred to in the preceding paragraph shall be made in an application form or registration form, which shall expressly state the contents of and reasons for the alteration, together with the following documents:
1. The REIT plans before and after alteration as well as the corresponding comparison table;
2. Minutes of the beneficiaries’ meeting, which is exempted if the alteration meets the condition prescribed in the proviso of the preceding paragraph;
3. Evaluation and expert opinions on whether or not the alteration has any significant impact on the rights and interests of the beneficiaries; and
4. Other documents as required by the competent authority.
The competent authority shall consult with the central competent authority in charge of the target enterprise concerned for written opinions when examining the documents as prescribed in the preceding paragraph.
Any additional amount of REIT fund to be publicly offered or privately placed by the trustee beyond the total amount approved by or effectively registered with the competent authority shall obtain the resolution of the beneficiaries’ meeting, and in such event, the provisions in Article 6 herein, instead of the provisions in the preceding three paragraphs shall apply.
Article   10    (Items specified in the investment trust contract)The REIT contract shall be made in written form and contain the following matters:
1. name and address of the Trustee: where a real estate management institution is appointed to manage or dispose of the trust property, the name and address of the institution is so appointed as trustee;
2. name and duration of the REIT Funds;
3. the total par value of the REIT Funds publicly offered or privately placed and the total units of beneficial interests;
4. methods and dates of issuance or delivery, amount of purchasing each unit of beneficial interests, expenses, and transfer restrictions of REIT Beneficial Securities;
5. obligations and duties of the Trustee and the real estate management institution appointed to manage or dispose of trust property, if any;
6. basic principles, scope, and investment strategies of the utilization of the REIT Funds;
7. matters of the REIT Funds regarding borrowed money and the corresponding upper limit as well as idle funds;
8. items, timing and payment method of the distribution of REIT Funds investment proceeds;
9. items and corresponding calculation methods, payment method and timing of the expenses that the REIT Funds shall reimburse;
10. the Trustee’s remuneration and its variety, calculation method, and payment timing and method;
11. calculation method of the REIT Fund net asset value (including the real estate assessment method, evaluation basis, assessment duration, calculation duration of the net asset value, time limit and method of announcement);
12. calculation and announcement methods of the net asset value per unit of beneficial interests;
13. reasons for convening a beneficiaries’ meeting by the Trustee;
14. reasons for the appointment of a Trust Supervisor by the Trustee as well as the special knowledge or experience of such Trust Supervisor;
15. reasons for the alteration, rescission, reasons of termination, termination procedures, and matters to be handled after the termination of the REIT contract;
16. where the REIT Funds no longer exist, the settlement method of the funds and the calculation method, payment method and timing of the currency amount or property that the beneficiaries request for return; and
17. others prescribed in Article 19, Paragraph 1 of the Trust Enterprise Act and by the competent authority.
Article   11    (Regulations that apply mutatis mutandis to changes and termination of investment trust contract)The provisions under Chapter 2, Section 7 of the Financial Asset Securitization Act shall apply mutatis mutandis to the alteration and termination of the REIT contract, unless otherwise provide for in the trust contract and recorded in the prospectus or the investment memorandum.
Article   12    (Approval of the investment trust contract template)The Trust Trade Association shall stipulate a standard contract model for REIT Funds publicly offered by the Trustee and submit to the competent authority for approval.
With regard to the REIT Funds publicly offered by the Trustee, the stipulation and alteration of the REIT contract regarding the extent of the protection of beneficiary’s rights and interests shall not be lower than that defined in the standard contract model for REIT Funds approved by the competent authority.
Article   13    (Targets for private placement of investments in trust beneficiary securities)The Trustee may conduct private placement of REIT Beneficial Securities to the following objects:
1. banking enterprises, finance bills enterprises, trust enterprises, insurance enterprises, securities enterprises or other juristic persons or institutions approved by the competent authority; or
2. natural persons, juristic persons or funds that meet the requirements as prescribed by the competent authority.
The total subscribers as referred to in Subparagraph 2 of the preceding paragraph shall not exceed thirty-five (35) persons.
The Trustee shall have the obligation of providing financial, business or other information regarding the private placement for the reasonable requirements made by the objects described in Paragraph 1, Subparagraph 2 prior to the completion of the private placement.
The Trustee shall report to the competent authority for the record within fifteen (15) days after the date when the purchase price payment of REIT Beneficial Securities is completed.
The transfer limitations of privately placed securities shall be explicitly noted on the REIT Beneficial Securities, and recorded in related written documents delivered to the subscriber or purchaser.
Article 20, Article 43-7, and Article 43-8, Paragraph 1 of the Securities and Exchange Act shall apply mutatis mutandis to the REIT Beneficial Securities privately placed.
Article   14    (Investment trust fund raising deadline and extension)After the application or registration of the public offering of REIT Funds is approved or effectively registered with the competent authority, the Trustee shall commence the offering within three (3) months upon the receipt of the written approval or after the date when the registration takes effects; provided, that those with reasonable reasons may apply to the competent authority for an extension prior to the expiry date. The extension shall not be longer than three (3) months and shall be granted once only.
The Trustee shall report to the competent authority for the record within five (5) business days after the offering of the REIT Funds is completed.
If the Trustee fails to collect minimum amount raised for the establishment of the REIT Funds at the expiration of the fund offering duration, the Trustee shall inform the beneficiaries in written form and submit to the competent authority for the record within ten (10) business days after the expiration of fund offering duration, and s hall manage the consequent matters in accordance with the REIT plan.
Article   15    (Provision of prospectus and investment memorandum)When a trustee publicly offers beneficiary securities according to the REIT plan, the trustee shall provide the subscribers or purchasers with a prospectus in a manner prescribed in the Securities and Exchange Act.
When a trustee privately places beneficiary securities, the trustee shall provide the subscribers or purchasers with an investment memorandum in a manner prescribed by the competent authority.
The guidelines for information to be published in the prospectus in Paragraph 1 hereof and the investment memorandum as referred to in the preceding paragraph shall be prescribed by the competent authority.
Article   16    (Limited to closed-end funds)The REIT Funds shall be only subject to Closed-End Funds; provided, that Open-End Funds attached with repurchasing time, quantity or other limits may be collected with the approval of the competent authority.

   Section Two Utilization of Real Estate Investment Trust Funds

Article   17    (Restrictions on investments or use of objects)The investment or utilization of a REIT fund shall be limited to the following objects:
1. Real estate under development or generating stable income;
2. Related rights of real estate under development or generating stable income;
3. Real estate related securities;
4. Scope of utilization as prescribed in Article 18; and
5. Other investment or utilization objects approved by the competent authority.
The minimum investment or utilization ratio of a REIT fund in cash, government bonds as well as investment objects set forth in the preceding Subparagraphs 1 to 3 shall be prescribed by the competent authority.
The investment of a REIT fund in securities set forth in Article 6 of the Securities and Exchange Act shall not exceed a certain ratio and amount of the offering limit. The certain ratio and amount shall be prescribed by the competent authority.
Where a REIT fund plans to invest in real estate or related rights of real estate under development, the REIT fund may not be drawn on until such real estate or related rights of real estate has obtained the construction permits.
The investment of a publicly offered REIT fund in real estate or related rights of real estate under development shall be limited to the following objects:
1. Land, buildings and related rights of real estate within the scope of an urban renewal business project approved pursuant to the Urban Renewal Act;
2. Public constructions as defined in the Law for Promotion of Private Participation in Infrastructure Projects; and
3. Public constructions in which REIT funds may invest as approved by the central competent authority in charge of the target enterprise concerned.
The investment of a publicly offered or privately placed REIT fund in real estate or related rights of real estate under development shall not exceed a certain percentage of the value of the fund’s trust property. The certain percentage shall be prescribed separately by the competent authority in consultation with the central competent authority in charge of the target enterprise concerned. Notwithstanding the foregoing, the certain percentage shall not exceed thirty percent (30%) for publicly offered REIT funds. The real estate or related rights of real estate under development as referred to in the two preceding paragraphs may not be any of the following objects:
1. Real estate or related rights of real estate in which the combined investment by enterprises in which the government or the state has more than twenty percent (20%) ownership and funds or juristic persons directly or indirectly controlled by the government exceeds ten percent (10%); or
2. Real state or related rights of real estate for which the government undertakes to assume its debt or guarantees its operating income.
The objects set forth in the preceding paragraph exclude the following:
1. An infrastructure project in which the authority in charge may, on the part of the non self-financing portion, subsidize part of the interest on loans needed or invest in part of the construction pursuant to Article 29 of the Law for Promotion of Private Participation in Infrastructure Projects; and
2. Real estate participating in urban renewal.
Article   18    (Restrictions on idle funds utilization)The utilization of idle funds of the REIT Funds shall be limited to the following objects:
1. bank deposits;
2. purchase of government bonds or financial bonds;
3. purchase of treasury bills or negotiable certificates of time deposits;
4. purchase of commercial papers with a credit rating above certain level or guaranteed or accepted by banks with a rating above the level stipulated by the competent authority; or
5. purchase of other financial products approved by the competent authority.
Article   19    (Borrowed funds)A trustee may borrow money with the trust property pursuant to the REIT fund contract; however, the purposes of the borrowing shall be limited to that needed for the acquisition, development or operation of the real estate or related rights of real estate, or that for the distribution of profits, interests or other proceeds.
A trustee has the discretion to hypothecate the mortgage or other security interests for the trust property within the scope of the borrowed money. The owner of security interests is only entitled to petitioning to the court for compulsory execution against the trust property within the extent of hypothecation of real estate mortgage or other security interests.
With regard to the money borrowed by a trustee pursuant to Paragraph 1 hereof, the trustee shall make announcements on the local daily newspapers circulated at the place of its principal office or in other manners prescribed by the competent authority within two (2) days after the contract of borrowing enters into force.
To ensure the financial health of REIT funds, the competent authority may prescribe an upper limit of the ratio for the money borrowed by the trustee pursuant to Paragraph 1 hereof. When the money borrowed exceeds the upper limit, the trustee shall make adjustments within the time prescribed by the competent authority
Article   20    (Scope and adjustment ratio of liquid assets)To ensure the liquidity of the REIT Funds, the competent authority may prescribe the liquidity asset range and ratio of the REIT Funds. The Trustee which fails to achieve such ratio shall make adjustments within the time prescribed by the competent authority.
Article   21    (Formulation and approval of notices)The guidelines of REIT Beneficial Securities, such as distribution, contract conclusion, information disclosure, risk management, internal auditing, and internal control, shall be enacted by the Trust Association along with other related associations and be submitted to the competent authority for approval.
The Trustee shall engage in the REIT business pursuant to the guidelines as referred to in the preceding paragraph.
Article   22    (Appraisal report)The Trustee shall ask a Professional Appraiser for an appraisal report pursuant to the Real Estate Appraiser Act prior to utilizing the REIT Funds for trade of real estate or related rights of real estate for above certain amount prescribed by the competent authority.
The competent authority of real estate appraisal or the Real estate Appraiser Association shall prescribe a standard for the appraisal report as referred to in the preceding paragraph.
The Trustee shall be in compliance with the following provisions when appointing Professional Appraisers for appraisal reports:
1. the same trade with the amount of over Thirty Million New Taiwan Dollars (NT$ 300,000,000) shall be appraised by more than two Professional Appraisers. Provided that there is a more than 20% difference among the price appraisal of the professional appraisers on the same date, the Trustee shall proceed pursuant to Article 41 of the Real Estate Appraiser Act;
2. with regard to the appraisal prior to the effective date of the trade contract, the interval between the date of value and the effective date of the contract shall not be over six (6) months;
3. the Professional Appraiser and appraising personnel shall not be the related parties or substantive related parties, as prescribed in Number 6 of the Financial Accounting Standards Gazette, to the trading parties.
4. other matters prescribed by the competent authority of real estate appraisal.
With regard to the trading action as referred to in Paragraph 1 hereof, the Trustee shall make an announcement in the daily local newspapers circulated at the place of its principal office or in other ways prescribed by the competent authority within two (2) days after the contract takes effects.
Article   23    (Investment analysis report)For the utilization of the REIT fund, a trustee shall make investment decisions based on the investment analysis report, put into execution, produce the investment decision records and implementation records, and submit the review reports to the board of directors periodically.
The investment analysis report as referred to in the preceding paragraph shall contain analysis essentials, bases and suggestions. The investment decision record shall contain the types and quantities of invested objects and timing of investment. The implementation record shall contain actual investments or the types, quantities, and prices of objects traded and time of trading, and explain the reasons for the disparity between the decision and the actual investment or trading.
With regard to the utilization of the REIT fund, whether the trust property is managed or disposed by the trustee itself or an appointed real estate management institution, the trustee shall prepare a written management report according to the planning, acquisition, development, sale and operational phases, and shall submit the respective review report of each phase to the board of directors every quarter.
The written information referred to in the preceding three paragraphs shall be recorded sequentially and retained in file by the trustee; the period of retention shall not be less than five (5) years from the expiration date of the trust.
Article   24    (Lease of trust properties)With regard to the REIT trust property, when all or part of it is leased pursuant to the trust contract, the rent may not be subject to Article 97, Paragraph 1 of the Land Act; and the term of lease may not be subject to twenty (20) years as prescribed in Article 449, Paragraph 1 of the Civil Code, but shall not be longer than the duration of the trust contract.
Article   25    (Regulations for entrusted institutions)The Trustee shall publicly offer or privately place and invest or utilize the REIT Funds pursuant to this Act, the REIT plan, the REIT contract, and the following provisions:
1. shall not provide guarantee, make loans or provide security,unless otherwise provided for in this Act;
2. shall not engage in securities margin transactions;
3. shall not trade with respect to the REIT Funds and REAT established by the Trustee;
4. the total amount of money invested in short-term bills of any company shall not be over 10% of the REIT Fund net asset value at the date of investment;
5. the deposit in the same financial institution as well as the total investment amount of bonds or short-term bills issued, guaranteed or accepted by such financial institution shall not be over 20% of the REIT Fund net asset value at the date of investment and 10% of such financial institution’s net value;
6. The total investment amount of Beneficial Securities and Asset-Backed Securities issued or delivered by other Trustees or special purpose companies pursuant to this Act or the Financial Asset Securitization Act shall not be over 20% of the REIT Fund net asset value at the date of investment;
7. shall invest in real estate and related rights of real estate pursuant to the principle of risk diversification;
8. shall not use the REIT Funds approved by or effectively registered with the competent authority as authenticity guarantee to the application or the publicity of profit guarantee to Beneficial Securities; and
9. shall not engage in matters prohibited by the competent authority.
If necessary, the competent authority may prescribe the principles of risk diversification for the investment of the REIT Funds in real estate and related rights of real estate. The Trustee that violates the principles shall make adjustments within the time prescribed by the competent authority.

   Section Three Accounting of REIT Funds

Article   26    (Trust properties evaluation committee)The trust asset assessment committee established by the Trustee pursuant to Article 21 of the Trust Enterprise Act, shall at least assess the trust property of the REIT Funds once every three (3) month, and shall make an announcement in the daily local newspapers circulated at the place of its principal office or in other ways prescribed by the competent authority after reporting to the board of directors.
When necessary or pursuant to the provisions of the REIT Contract, the trust asset assessment committee may request the Professional Appraisers or experts for related appraisal reports or opinions as the reference of trust property assessment.
The Professional Appraisers or experts referred to in the preceding paragraph shall not be the related parties or substantive related parties, as prescribed in Number 6 of the Financial Accounting Standards Gazette, to the Trustee.
The Trust Association shall enact the assessment principles and calculation standards for the assessment and net asset value calculation of the REIT Fund trust property, and shall submit the same to the competent authority for approval.
The Trustee shall calculate the REIT Fund net asset value pursuant to the net asset value calculation standards approved by the competent authority as referred to in the preceding paragraph, relevant laws and regulations, and generally accepted accounting principles.
The Trustee shall calculate in each b usiness day and make announcements regarding the REIT Fund net asset value of each beneficial interest unit in the previous business day in the daily local newspapers circulated at the place of its principal office or in other ways prescribed by the competent authority. However, the asset value of real estate or other trust property, which has no major alteration and has no major impact on the net asset value of the Funds during the announcement period, may replace the asset value re-assessment calculation of the real estate or trust property with the attachment disclosure pursuant to the REIT contract.
Article   27    (Independent accounting)The REIT Funds publicly offered or privately placed by the Trustee shall possess independent accounting, and the Trustee shall not make inter-item transfer with self-owned property or other trust property.
The account book constitution of the REIT Funds shall comply with relevant laws and regulations as well self-discipline standards; the retaining method and period shall be managed pursuant to the Business Accounting Act and other related regulations.
Article   28    (Service fees and remuneration collected)The Trustee may charge the beneficiaries handling fees and remuneration for business management of the REIT or deduct such amount from the trust property of REIT for such payment.
In case of the Trustee engaged in the business of REIT, the expenses and taxes derived from the utilization and management may be directly deducted from the trust property for payment.
The proceeds deprived from the REIT investment, which shall be distributed pursuant to the REIT contract, shall be distributed within six (6) months after the end of each fiscal year.