Data Source:Laws and Regulations Retrieving System of the Banking Bureau

Title: Negotiable Instruments Act (1987.06.29 Modified)
  Chapter II Bills of Exchange

   Section 3 Acceptance

Article   42    (Notification for the acceptance period)The holder of a bill may, before the date of maturity, present it to the drawee for acceptance.
Article   43    (Format of acceptance)An acceptance shall be signified by inserting on the face of the bill the word "Accepted" and signed by the drawee. If the drawee merely signs his name on the bill, it is deemed to be an acceptance.
Article   44    (Designated and prohibited acceptance period)Except for a bill payable at sight, the drawer or an endorser may specify on a bill that the bill is required to be presented for acceptance, and may additionally set a time limit for the presentment.
The drawer may make a statement on the bill to preclude making presentment for acceptance before a certain date.
The time limit set by an endorser for presentment for acceptance may not fall within, or run parallel with, the period specified by the drawer precluding presentment for acceptance.
Article   45    (Legal acceptance period)A bill payable at a fixed period after sight shall be presented for acceptance within 6 months from the date of drawing.
The time limit referred to in the preceding paragraph may be shortened or extended by the drawer, as he sees fit, by a special agreement. But the extension in any case may not be longer than 6 months.
Article   46    (Acceptance date)If a bill is drawn payable at a fixed period after sight or if it specifies a time limit for presentment for acceptance, the drawee, on accepting the bill, shall insert the date of acceptance.
The acceptance remains effective if the date of acceptance is not specified on the bill, but the holder may request for issuance of a protest to certify the date of acceptance. In the absence of protest, the last day of the period set forth in the preceding article or of the time limit specified by the drawer for acceptance shall be the date of acceptance.
Article   47    (Partial acceptance, conditional acceptance)When a bill is presented for acceptance, the drawee may, with the consent of the holder, accept to pay a part of the amount payable by the bill. The holder, however, shall give notice of this fact to any party prior to him.
A conditional acceptance is deemed to be a dishonor by non-acceptance, but the acceptor shall remain liable on the bill pursuant to the terms and conditions of his acceptance.
Article   48    (Acceptance period extension)When a bill is presented for acceptance, the drawee may, if necessary, request the holder to agree to a deferment of the presentment, but the deferment shall not be more than 3 days.
Article   49    (Designation, cancellation, and modification of the paying agent)The drawee may designate a paying agent at the time of acceptance.
The drawee may, at the time of acceptance, strike out or alter the paying agent designated by the drawer.
Article   50    (Payment site)The drawee may, at the time of acceptance, specify on the bill the detailed address where the payment is to be made at the place of payment.
Article   51    (Withdrawal of acceptance)Before delivery of a bill to the holder, the drawee may revoke his acceptance, even if the drawee has already accepted the bill and placed his signature on it. But this provision shall not apply if the acceptance has been communicated in writing to the holder or any other signatory to the bill.
Article   52    (Validity of acceptance)The drawee, after accepting a bill, shall be liable to make payment of the bill accordingly.
If an acceptor defaults at the maturity of the bill, the holder, even when he is concurrently the drawer of the bill, may claim directly against the acceptor payment of the sums of money set out in Articles 97 and 98.