Data Source:Laws and Regulations Retrieving System of the Banking Bureau

Title: Negotiable Instruments Act (1987.06.29 Modified)
  Chapter II Bills of Exchange

   Section 7 Payment

Article   69    (Notification for the payment period and recipients)The holder of a bill shall present it for payment on the date of maturity or within 2 days after the maturity.
If a bill contains a paying agent for the drawee, it shall be presented to the agent for payment.
A presentment of a bill to a clearing house for exchange shall be as effectual and valid as a presentment for payment.
Article   70    (Payment date)Payment of a bill may be deferred with the consent of the holder, but the deferment shall not exceed 3 days after the presentment.
Article   71    (Payer's review responsibilities)A drawee that makes payment against a bill not consecutively endorsed does so at his own peril.
Unless there is bad faith or gross negligence on his part, the drawee assumes no responsibility for verifying the authenticity of the signature accompanying an endorsement and the capacity of the holder as an obligee of the bill.
Article   72    (Anticipated payment)The holder may refuse to receive payment of the bill before the date of maturity.
The drawee that makes payment before the date of maturity does so at his own peril.
Article   73    (Partial payment)The holder may not refuse to receive a partial payment of the bill.
Article   74    (Return of bills of exchange)When making payment, the drawee may request the holder to write the word "Received" on the bill, to be evidenced by the holder's signature, and to surrender the bill.
If the drawee makes only a partial payment, he may request the holder to write on the bill the amount received and issue a separate receipt.
Article   75    (Payment currency)If the amount of a bill is expressed in a currency not in general circulation at the place of payment, the payment may be made in the currency in general circulation there at the exchange rate on the day of payment. But this provision shall not apply if there is a special agreement to the contrary.
If the amount of a bill is expressed in a currency that is in circulation at both the place where the bill is drawn and the place of payment in identical name but with different values, the currency at the place of payment is presumed to be the one adopted.
Article   76    (Withdrawal and deposit of the amount of bills of exchange)If the holder fails to present the bill for payment within the time limit set forth in Article 69, the person liable on the bill may deposit the amount of the bill in accordance with law, and any expense thereby incurred shall be borne by the holder.