Data Source:Laws and Regulations Retrieving System of the Banking Bureau

Title: Corporate Governance Best-Practice Principles for Banks (2005.01.25 Modified)

  Chapter 1 General Principles

Article    1 In order to establish a sound corporate governance system of banks,and to promote the integrity development of banks, the Bankers Association Of The ROC hereby adopts the Principles.
A bank shall comply with these Principles with regard to the establishment of a corporate governance system.
Article    2 When setting up the corporate governance system, in addition to paying strict attention to capital adequacy, asset quality, operation and management capability, profitability, asset liquidity, and risk sensitivity, a bank shall follow the following principles:
1. comply with relevant laws and regulations and enhance internal management;
2. protect shareholders' rights and interests;
3. strengthen the powers of the board of directors;
4. fulfill the functions of supervisors;
5. respect the stakeholders' rights and interests; and
6. enhance information transparency.