Data Source:Laws and Regulations Retrieving System of the Banking Bureau

Titleļ¼š Tai-Tsai-Zong-(4)-Zi-0924001081 (2003.11.11 Announced)
   1 Tai-Tsai-Zong-(4)-Zi-0924001081

From : Ministry of Finance
Ref. No. : Tai-Tsai-Zong-(4)-Zi-0924001081
Date : November 11, 2003
Attachment: As described.
Subject : In order to maintain the sound development of the credit card market and protect consumer rights, credit card issuers should prohibit their staff or outsourced marketing agents from filling in the additional card column on the application form without the consent of the applicant. Please take note and forward to members of the R.O.C. Bankers Association.
Explanation: This is done in accordance with Consumer Protection Commission's letter, dated October 23, 2003 (Ref. No. Shiao-Bao-Du-Zi-0920001379). Copy of such letter and its attachment are attached hereto.
If the translations of the texts differ from the original Chinese texts, the original texts are preferential.
Last Updated:March 18, 2005