Data Source:Laws and Regulations Retrieving System of the Banking Bureau

Titleļ¼š Tai-Tsai-Rong-(4)-0924000680 (2003.08.12 Announced)
   1 Tai-Tsai-Rong-(4)-0924000680

From : Ministry of Finance
Date : August 12, 2003
Ref. No. : Tai-Tsai-Rong-(4)-0924000680
Subject : Guidelines for investing special purpose trust funds in foreign securities.
Subject : Please advise your members that the handling of investing special purose trust funds in foreign securities shall be done in accordance with Explanation 2. Also, please adopt self disciplinary rules for advertising and promotion of the above-captioned business, using the regulations governing securities investment trust and securities investment advisory business as a reference. Please take note.
1. This is done in accordance with the conclusions of the meeting between the Securities and Futures Commission and the Bureau of Monetary Affairs, Ministry of Finance held on June 27, 2003.
2. Trust enterprises shall comply with the following when conducting investments of special purpose trust funds in foreign securities:
a. When trust enterprises handle investments in foreign securities through special purpose trust funds, the prospectuses for specific securities shall only be made available at the counters of the trust enterprise where the business is conducted;
b. Trust enterprises shall not use mass media to promote or publicize information relating to specific investments or hold press conferences or send out press releases;
c. Trust enterprise shall not mass distribute prospectuses for specific investments except to special purpose trust customers [who have invested in such investments]; and
d. Trust enterprises shall not engage in public offering activities in Taiwan.
If the translations of the texts differ from the original Chinese texts, the original texts are preferential.
Last Updated:March 18, 2005