Data Source:Laws and Regulations Retrieving System of the Banking Bureau

2005.10.25 Rules to be abided by trust enterprises when investing designated money trust funds in foreign securities
Rules to be abided by trust enterprises when investing designated money trust funds in foreign securities
From: Financial Supervisory Committee, Executive Yuan
Date: 10/25/2005
Ref. No.: Jin-Kuan-Yin-(4)-Zi-No.0944000687
Full text: Promulgation of “Rules to be abided by trust enterprises when investing designated money trust funds in foreign securities.”
1. If a trust enterprise offers the service of designated money trust investing in foreign securities, it shall observe the following rules, unless the investment instrument is offshore funds to which the provisions of the Regulations Governing Offshore Funds promulgated in a FSC order Ref. No. Jin-Kuan-Yin-(4)-Zi-No.0940003412 dated August 2, 2005 shall apply:
(1) If a trust enterprise offers the service of designated money trust investing in foreign securities, the brochures and documents for related products shall be displayed at specific business counters only.
(2) The trust enterprise shall not initiate any publicity or post related information on the specific products through media, or organize any presentation, or distribute a press release.
(3) The trust enterprise may not proactively provide or mail brochures on specific products to its customers or the public, with the exception to existing designated money trust customers.
(4) The trust enterprise shall not engage in public offering in the domestic market.
2. The letters of the Ministry of Finance Ref. No. Tai-Tsai-Rong-(4)-Zi- No.0924000680 dated August 12, 2003 and No. Tai-Tsai-Rong-(4)-Zi-No. 801294091 dated January 30, 1991 shall cease to apply, effective from this day.