Data Source:Laws and Regulations Retrieving System of the Banking Bureau

2007.01.24 Explanation Related to Financial Institutions’ Declaration of Tired Interest Rates for Credit Cards and Cash Cards
Explanation Related to Financial Institutions’ Declaration of Tired Interest Rates for Credit Cards and Cash Cards

Issuing Agency: Financial Supervisory Commission, Executive Yuan
Date of Issue: January 24, 2007
Ref. No.: Jin-Kuan-Yin-(4)-Zi-09640000540

Subject: Each financial institution engaging in credit card and cash business is kindly, before the 15th day of each month, to make an online declaration of the statistics related to tired interest rates for credit cards and cash cards of the preceding month to the Banking Bureau of the Commission. Kindly acknowledge receipt of this letter and forward notifications. (Kindly acknowledge receipt of this letter.)

1. Online report filing is pursuant to Article 17 of the “Regulations Governing Institutions Engaging In Credit Card Business” and Point 2 of the “Regulations Governing the Cash Card Business of Financial Institutions.”
2. Information for Declaration: The online declaration system of the Banking Bureau of the Commission for financial institutions is at the website,, and kindly input the information in the existing official formulae, “WB014W, Maintenance of Information on Cash Card Business” and “WB015W, Maintenance of Information on Credit Card Business.”
3. When a financial institution declares the number of the aforesaid cards of tired interest rates, it must complete filling each name of cash card and credit card and its tired interest rates. If there are changes in the information of tired interest rates, the financial institution shall update it at the website.
4. For related operation and maintenance, kindly refer to cases and explanations placed under the caption, “Latest News,” which is on the home page of the declaration system of the Banking Bureau of the Commission.

To (The Original): The Bankers Association of the Republic of China (kindly forward a notification to each foreign bank branch in Taiwan if convenient), the National Federation of Credit Cooperatives R.O.C., China United Trust & Investment Corporation, Asia Trust And Investment Corporation
To (Copy): Central Bank of the Republic of China; Central Deposit Insurance Corporation, Taiwan; Banking Bureau, Financial Supervisory Commission, Executive Yuan, R.O.C.