Data Source:Laws and Regulations Retrieving System of the Banking Bureau

2008.10.15 Enforcement Rules of the Trust Enterprise Act
Article 2
The expression “persons who have power to decide how to allocate the trust assets” in Subparagraph 3 of Article 7, and Paragraph 2 of Article 24 of the Act means, in the case of a trust company, executives and personnel who have the ultimate approval authority over the allocation of trust assets, or, in the case of an institution concurrently engaging in trust business, executives and personnel of the trust department who have the ultimate approval authority over the allocation of trust assets.

Article 4

Article 10
Except as otherwise provided in the Trust Act, the Act, or any other applicable act or regulations, the provisions in the chapter on trust enterprises in the Regulations Governing the Conduct of Discretionary Investment Business by Securities Investment Trust Enterprises and Securities Investment Consulting Enterprises shall apply to trust enterprises having been granted with an approval under Paragraph 1, Article 18 of the Act to concurrently engage in securities investment consulting business.

Article 13

Article 14
The term “in good faith” under Paragraph 1, Article 22 of the Act includes confidentiality obligation of a trust enterprise to keep the customers’ correspondence and transaction information confidential, unless it is otherwise provided by law or the Competent Authority.

The confidentiality obligation under the preceding paragraph shall be specified in a trust agreement in accordance with Subparagraph 13, Paragraph 1, Article 19 of the Act.

Article 17
The filing of business reports and financial reports and the publication
of balance sheets as required under Article 39 of the Act shall be made
within the following time limits:
1. Within two months from the end of each half fiscal year.

2. Within four months from the end of each fiscal year.

The financial report referred to in the preceding paragraph includes the following:
1. Balance sheet;

2. Income statement;

3. Statement of changes in stockholders’ equity;

4. Statement of cash flows; and

5. Other statements as required by the Competent Authority.

The balance sheet in subparagraph 1 of the preceding paragraph shall be appended with the assets and liabilities of trust accounts and an inventory of trust assets; the income statement in subparagraph 2 of the preceding paragraph shall be appended with the income statement for the trust accounts.