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2011.01.25 Credit card issuer marketing personnel shall comply with the regulation that marketing may not be undertaken in open spaces, such as corridors of underground shopping streets, underpasses, filling stations, or public transport station corridors. [Chinese]
Date issued: 15 February 2011

Ref.: Jin-Guan-Yin-Piao-Zi-No.10040000440

Subject: The FSC hereby reiterates that street marketing (arcade included) is prohibited. Please note the explanation and notify your member institutions to cooperate in observing this regulation.

Article 19, paragraph 1, subparagraph 2 of the Regulations Governing Institutions Engaging In Credit Card Business provides that street marketing (arcade included) is prohibited. The aforementioned term "street" includes any space having the character of an open space, such as corridors of underground shopping streets, underpasses, filling stations, or public transport station corridors. When engaging in marketing, credit card issuers shall take realistic supervisory measures to ensure that their marketing personnel abide by the aforementioned regulation, and shall institute a related system of management to effectively prevent the occurrence of any violations.