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Laws and Regulations
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1. (91)-Tai-Tsai-Jheng-(II)-001539 (2002.03.11)
2. Act for the Establishment and Administration of the Financial Restructuring Fund (2015.07.01)
3. 本法已廢止 Act Governing Issuance of Electronic Stored Value Cards (2023.01.04)
4. Act Governing the Conversion of Currency Units Used in Existing Laws and Regulations into New Taiwan Dollars (1992.07.17)
5. 本法已廢止 Act of the Central Trust of China (2021.12.15)
6. 本法已廢止 Act of the Cooperative Bank (2015.07.01)
7. Approval Standards for Financial Institutions Applying to Participate in Deposit Insurance (2019.09.27)
8. Banks,Securities Firms,Insurance Companies Apply for Approval to Jointly Promote Other Business' Products or Provide Relevant Services (2003.06.27)
9. Chin-Kuan-Yin-(1)-09610000350 (2007.03.27)
10. Clauses of the Real Estate Securitization Act (2017.12.06)
11. Conditions to Be Met and Documents to Be Submitted by Commercial Banks Investing in Other Enterprises (2001.05.08)
12. Corporate Governance Best-Practice Principles for Banks (2005.01.25)
13. Criteria for Transaction Limits between Credit Cooperatives and Non-Members (2021.04.08)
14. Deposit Insurance Act (2015.02.04)
15. 本法已廢止 Directions Concerning Applications to Own More Than Fifteen Percent of the Issued Voting Shares of a Same Bank (2007.10.02)
16. 本法已廢止 Directions Concerning Ceilings on Credit Extensions by a Bank to a Same Person, Same Related Parties, or Same Affiliated Enterprises (2010.01.28)
17. Directions Concerning the Establishment of Foreign Branches by Domestic Banks (2019.02.12)
18. Directions for Banks Conducting Financial Derivatives Business (2013.01.30)
19. Directions for Banks Engaging in Wealth Management Business (2005.07.21)
20. Directions for Banks Providing Information and Advisory Services on Offshore Financial Derivatives (2016.06.21)
21. Directions for Ceilings on the Total Amounts of the Major Liabilities and Reverse Repo Transactions Conducted by Bills Houses (2004.11.19)
22. Directions for Confirming Customer Identity in Domestic Remittance Operations and Deposit Without Passbook of Financial Institutions (2018.11.08)
23. Directions for the Allocation and Use of Funds for Financial Research, Training, and Development by Banks (2003.12.24)
24. Directions for the Extension of Special Loans and Special Credit Guarantees for Traditional Industries by Financial Institutions (2004.11.19)
25. Directions for the Local Branch of a Foreign Bank in Providing Information on Opening a Deposit Account with its Head Office or a Head Office-Designated Branch at the Request of Customers (2010.08.24)
26. Directions for the Scope of and Limitations on Foreign Investments Made in the Utilization of Collective Trust Funds Offered by Trust Enterprises (2013.02.27)
27. Directions Governing Application Documents and Review Criteria for Approval of Foreign Financial Holding Company (2005.07.07)
28. 本法已廢止 Directions Governing Internal Control System of Anti-Money Laundering and Countering Terrorism Financing of Banking Business, Electronic Payment Institutions and Electronic Stored Value Card Issuers (2018.11.09)
29. Directions Governing Limitations on Types and Amounts of the Securities in which a Commercial Bank May Invest (2016.12.22)
30. Directions Governing the Acquisition of Treasury Stock by Exchange-listed and OTC-listed Financial Institutions (2020.10.16)
31. Directions Governing the Cash Card Business of Financial Institutions (2021.11.02)
32. Directions Governing the Custody and Disposal of Clients' Equity-type Foreign Securities Obtained through Physical Delivery of Domestic and Offshore Structured Products or Structured Notes by Banks (Including OBUs) (2023.08.09)
33. Directions governing the identifying indicators and requirements for domestic systemically important banks (2019.12.27)
34. Directions Governing the Risks Carried by Bills Houses on a Single Enterprise (2005.01.28)
35. Directions of Transaction Data and Other Related Information Between Users and Contracted Institutions Provided by Electronic Payment Institutions (2024.02.01)
36. Eligible Assets Maintenance Requirements for a Local Subsidiary Bank of a Foreign Financial Institution (2019.01.31)
37. Enforcement Regulations of the Deposit Insurance Act (2022.06.27)
38. Enforcement Rules for the Act Governing Bills Finance Business (2002.07.02)
39. Enforcement Rules of Credit Cooperatives Act (1998.11.13)
40. Enforcement Rules of the Banking Act (2002.08.27)
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