序 |
中文法規名稱 |
英文法規名稱 |
1. |
行政院金融重建基金設置及管理條例 |
Act for the Establishment and Administration of the Financial Restructuring Fund |
2. |
電子票證發行管理條例 |
Act Governing Issuance of Electronic Stored Value Cards |
3. |
現行法規所定貨幣單位折算新臺幣條例 |
Act Governing the Conversion of Currency Units Used in Existing Laws and Regulations into New Taiwan Dollars |
4. |
中央信託局條例 |
Act of the Central Trust of China |
5. |
合作金庫條例 |
Act of the Cooperative Bank |
6. |
金融機構申請參加存款保險審核標準 |
Approval Standards for Financial Institutions Applying to Participate in Deposit Insurance |
7. |
不動產證券化條例 |
Clauses of the Real Estate Securitization Act |
8. |
商業銀行轉投資應具備條件及檢附文件 |
Conditions to Be Met and Documents to Be Submitted by Commercial Banks Investing in Other Enterprises |
9. |
信用合作社非社員交易限額標準 |
Criteria for Transaction Limits between Credit Cooperatives and Non-Members |
10. |
存款保險條例 |
Deposit Insurance Act |
11. |
申請持有同一銀行已發行有表決權股份總數超過百分之十五者應注意事項(90.06.28訂定) |
Directions Concerning Applications to Own More Than Fifteen Percent of the Issued Voting Shares of a Same Bank |
12. |
銀行對同一人、同一關係人或同一關係企業之授信限額規定 |
Directions Concerning Ceilings on Credit Extensions by a Bank to a Same Person, Same Related Parties, or Same Affiliated Enterprises |
13. |
本國銀行設立國外分支機構應注意事項 |
Directions Concerning the Establishment of Foreign Branches by Domestic Banks |
14. |
銀行辦理衍生性金融商品業務應注意事項 |
Directions for Banks Conducting Financial Derivatives Business |
15. |
銀行辦理財富管理業務應注意事項 |
Directions for Banks Engaging in Wealth Management Business |
16. |
銀行提供境外衍生性金融商品資訊及諮詢服務應注意事項 |
Directions for Banks Providing Information and Advisory Services on Offshore Financial Derivatives |
17. |
票券商主要負債總額及辦理附賣回條件交易限額規定 |
Directions for Ceilings on the Total Amounts of the Major Liabilities and Reverse Repo Transactions Conducted by Bills Houses |
18. |
金融機構辦理國內匯款及無摺存款作業確認客戶身分原則 |
Directions for Confirming Customer Identity in Domestic Remittance Operations and Deposit Without Passbook of Financial Institutions |
19. |
金融機構辦理傳統產業專案貸款暨信用保證專案作業簡則 |
Directions for the Extension of Special Loans and Special Credit Guarantees for Traditional Industries by Financial Institutions |
20. |
外國銀行在臺分行接受客戶要求提供其總行或總行指定分行存款帳戶開戶資訊應注意事項 |
Directions for the Local Branch of a Foreign Bank in Providing Information on Opening a Deposit Account with its Head Office or a Head Office-Designated Branch at the Request of Customers |
21. |
信託業募集發行共同信託基金運用於國外投資之範圍及限制規定 |
Directions for the Scope of and Limitations on Foreign Investments Made in the Utilization of Collective Trust Funds Offered by Trust Enterprises |
22. |
外國金融控股公司許可之申請書件及審查條件要點 |
Directions Governing Application Documents and Review Criteria for Approval of Foreign Financial Holding Company |
23. |
銀行業及電子支付機構電子票證發行機構防制洗錢及打擊資恐內部控制要點 |
Directions Governing Internal Control System of Anti-Money Laundering and Countering Terrorism Financing of Banking Business, Electronic Payment Institutions and Electronic Stored Value Card Issuers |
24. |
商業銀行投資有價證券之種類及限額規定 |
Directions Governing Limitations on Types and Amounts of the Securities in which a Commercial Bank May Invest |
25. |
上市上櫃金融機構實施庫藏股注意事項 |
Directions Governing the Acquisition of Treasury Stock by Exchange-listed and OTC-listed Financial Institutions |
26. |
金融機構辦理現金卡業務應注意事項 |
Directions Governing the Cash Card Business of Financial Institutions |
27. |
銀行(含國際金融業務分行)保管及處分客戶因境內外結構型商品或結構型債券實物交割取得之具股權性質外國有價證券作業規定 |
Directions Governing the Custody and Disposal of Clients' Equity-type Foreign Securities Obtained through Physical Delivery of Domestic and Offshore Structured Products or Structured Notes by Banks (Including OBUs) |
28. |
系統性重要銀行篩選標準及實施要求 |
Directions governing the identifying indicators and requirements for domestic systemically important banks |
29. |
票券商對同一企業風險總額規定 |
Directions Governing the Risks Carried by Bills Houses on a Single Enterprise |
30. |
電子支付機構提供使用者與特約機構往來交易資料及其他相關資料要點 |
Directions of Transaction Data and Other Related Information Between Users and Contracted Institutions Provided by Electronic Payment Institutions |
31. |
外國金融機構在臺子銀行合格資產規定 |
Eligible Assets Maintenance Requirements for a Local Subsidiary Bank of a Foreign Financial Institution |
32. |
存款保險條例施行細則 |
Enforcement Regulations of the Deposit Insurance Act |
33. |
票券金融管理法施行細則 |
Enforcement Rules for the Act Governing Bills Finance Business |
34. |
信用合作社法施行細則 |
Enforcement Rules of Credit Cooperatives Act |
35. |
銀行法施行細則 |
Enforcement Rules of the Banking Act |
36. |
金融資產證券化條例施行細則 |
Enforcement Rules Of The Financial Asset Securitization Act |
37. |
票據法施行細則 |
Enforcement Rules of the Negotiable Instruments Act |
38. |
動產擔保交易法施行細則 |
Enforcement Rules of the Personal Property Secured Transactions Act |
39. |
不動產證券化條例施行細則 |
Enforcement Rules of The Real Estate Securitization Act |
40. |
信託業法施行細則 |
Enforcement Rules of the Trust Enterprise Act |
41. |
金融資產證券化條例 |
Financial Asset Securitization Act |
42. |
金融控股公司法 |
Financial Holding Company Act |
43. |
管理外匯條例 |
Foreign Exchange Regulation Act |
44. |
外國銀行在台分行接受客戶要求提供其總行存款帳戶開戶資訊應注意事項 |
Guidelines for a Local Branch of a Foreign Bank in Providing Information on Opening Deposit Accounts with its Head Office at the Request of its Customers |
45. |
銀行對非財富管理部門客戶銷售金融商品應注意事項 |
Guidelines for Banks Selling Financial Products to Customers Other than Wealth Management Customers |
46. |
金融機構辦理信用卡及現金卡業務訂定差別利率應注意事項 |
Guidelines for Financial Institutions in Setting Tiered Interest Rates for Credit Cards and Cash Cards |
47. |
國內金融機構辦理在臺無住所之外國人開設新臺幣帳戶注意事項 |
Guidelines Governing the Operation of Local Banking Institutions Regarding the Opening of the New Taiwan Dollar Accounts by Non-resident Foreign Nationals |
48. |
銀行內部控制及稽核制度實施辦法 |
Implementation Rules for Bank Internal Audit and Internal Control System |
49. |
信用合作社內部控制及稽核制度實施辦法 |
Implementation Rules for Credit Cooperative’s Internal Control and Internal Audit System |
50. |
專營電子支付機構內部控制及稽核制度實施辦法 |
Implementation Rules for the Internal Audit and Internal Control System of Specialized Electronic Payment Institutions |
51. |
金融控股公司及銀行業內部控制及稽核制度實施辦法 |
Implementation Rules of Internal Audit and Internal Control System of Financial HoldingCompanies and Banking Industries |
52. |
金融控股公司法第十六條第二項持有已發行有表決權股份申報應注意事項 |
Instructions for Reporting Voting Shares in Accordance with Paragraph 2, Article 16 of Financial Holding Company Act |
53. |
銀行法第二十五條第二項持有已發行有表決權股份申報應注意事項 |
Instructions for Reporting Voting Shares in Accordance with Paragraph 2, Article 25 of Banking Act |
54. |
電子支付機構業務定型化契約應記載及不得記載事項 |
Mandatory and Prohibitory Provisions of Standard Form Contract for the Business of Electronic Payment Institutions |
55. |
電子票證儲存款項信託契約之應記載及不得記載事項 |
Mandatory and Prohibitory Provisions of Trust Agreement for the Entrustment of Stored Fund in Electronic Stored Value Cards |
56. |
專營電子支付機構支付款項信託契約應記載及不得記載事項 |
Mandatory and Prohibitory Provisions to be Included in the Trust Agreement of Funds Received by Specialized Electronic Payment Institutions from Users |
57. |
個人網路銀行業務服務定型化契約應記載事項 |
Mandatory Provisions of Standard Form Contract for Personal Online Banking Services |
58. |
電子支付機構業務定型化契約應記載事項 |
Mandatory Provisions of Standard Form Contract for the Business of Electronic Payment Institutions |
59. |
消費性無擔保貸款定型化契約應記載事項 |
Mandatory Provisions of Standard Form Contract for Unsecured Consumer Loan |
60. |
電子支付機構支付款項信託契約應記載事項 |
Mandatory Provisions of Trust Agreement on Funds Received by Electronic Payment Institutions from Users |
61. |
信用卡定型化契約應記載及不得記載事項 |
Mandatory Provisions to be Included in and Prohibitory Provisions of Standard Form Contract for Credit Card |
62. |
電子票證定型化契約應記載及不得記載事項 |
Mandatory Provisions to be Included in and Prohibitory Provisions of Standard Form Contract for Electronic Stored Value Card |
63. |
金融機構保管箱出租定型化契約應記載及不得記載事項 |
Mandatory Provisions to be Included in and Prohibitory Provisions of Standard Form Contract for Safe Deposit Box Rental |
64. |
活期(儲蓄)存款契約附屬金融卡定型化約款應記載事項 |
Mandatory Provisions to be Included in Standard Form Contract for ATM Card Accessory to Demand (Savings) Deposit Contract |
65. |
個人購車貸款定型化契約應記載事項 |
Mandatory Provisions To Be Included in Standard Form Contract for Auto Loan |
66. |
個人購車及購屋貸款定型化契約應記載事項 |
Mandatory Provisions To Be Included in Standard Form Contract for Auto Loan and Home Loan |
67. |
個人購屋貸款定型化契約應記載事項 |
Mandatory Provisions To Be Included in Standard Form Contract for Home Loan |
68. |
加速降低本國銀行逾期放款措施 |
Measures to Accelerate the Reduction of Non-performing Loans of Domestic Banks |
69. |
票據法 |
Negotiable Instruments Act |
70. |
國際金融業務條例 |
Offshore Banking Act |
71. |
國際金融業務條例施行細則 |
Offshore Banking Act Enforcement Rules |
72. |
銀行業戰前存款放款清償條例 |
Ordinance for paying off the deposits and the loans established in the banking industry in the prewar period |
73. |
財政部金融局組織條例 |
Organic law of Monetary Affairs Bureau,Ministry of Finance |
74. |
金融機構作業委託他人處理應注意事項 |
Outsourcing Directions for Financial Institutions |
75. |
動產擔保交易法 |
Personal Property Secured Transactions Act |
76. |
活期(儲蓄)存款契約附屬金融卡定型化約款不得記載事項 |
Prohibitory Provisions of Standard Form Contract for ATM Card Accessory to Demand (Savings) Deposit Contract |
77. |
個人購車貸款定型化契約不得記載事項 |
Prohibitory Provisions of Standard Form Contract for Auto Loan |
78. |
個人購車及購屋貸款定型化契約不得記載事項 |
Prohibitory Provisions of Standard Form Contract for Auto Loan and Home Loan |
79. |
個人購屋貸款定型化契約不得記載事項 |
Prohibitory Provisions of Standard Form Contract for Home Loan |
80. |
個人網路銀行業務服務定型化契約不得記載事項 |
Prohibitory Provisions of Standard Form Contract for Personal Online Banking Services |
81. |
電子支付機構業務定型化契約不得記載事項 |
Prohibitory Provisions of Standard Form Contract for the Business of Electronic Payment Institutions |
82. |
消費性無擔保貸款定型化契約不得記載事項 |
Prohibitory Provisions of Standard Form Contract for Unsecured Consumer Loan |
83. |
電子支付機構支付款項信託契約不得記載事項 |
Prohibitory Provisions of Trust Agreement on Funds Received by Electronic Payment Institutions from Users |
84. |
旅客或隨交通工具服務之人員攜帶外幣出入國境申報登記辦法 |
Regulations for the Declaration and Registration of Carrying Foreign Currencies by Cross-Border Passengers or Service Crew of A Transportation Vehicle |
85. |
金融控股公司結合案件審查辦法 |
Regulations for the Examination of Financial Holding Company Merger Cases |
86. |
信託業辦理政黨政治團體財產信託公告辦法 |
Regulations Governing Announcement Methods of Trust Enterprises about Asset Trust from Political Parties or Political Organizations |
87. |
提供虛擬資產服務之事業或人員防制洗錢及打擊資恐辦法 |
Regulations Governing Anti-Money Laundering and Countering the Financing of Terrorism for Enterprises Handling Virtual Currency Platform or Transaction |
88. |
金融機構防制洗錢辦法 |
Regulations Governing Anti-Money Laundering of Financial Institutions |
89. |
辦理融資性租賃業務事業防制洗錢辦法 |
Regulations Governing Anti-Money Laundering of Financial Leasing Enterprises |
90. |
金融機構間資金移轉帳務清算之金融資訊服務事業許可及管理辦法 |
Regulations Governing Approval and Administration of Financial Information Service Enterprises Engaging in Inter-Financial Institution Funds Transfer and Settlement |
91. |
短期票券集中保管結算機構許可及管理辦法 |
Regulations Governing Approval and Administration of Short-term Bills Clearing and Depository Organizations |
92. |
大陸地區財金專業人士來臺從事財金事務相關活動許可辦法 |
Regulations Governing Approval For Mainland-Area Financial Professionals To Engage In Finance-Related Activities In Taiwan |
93. |
銀行發行現金儲值卡許可及管理辦法 |
Regulations Governing Approval of the Issuance of Stored Value Cards by Banks |
94. |
銀行間徵信資料處理交換服務事業許可及管理辦法 |
Regulations Governing Authorization and Administration of Service Enterprises Engaged in Interbank Credit Information Processing and Exchange |
95. |
銀行辦理高資產客戶適用之金融商品及服務管理辦法 |
Regulations Governing Banks Conducting Financial Products and Services for High-Asset Customers |
96. |
銀行、金融控股公司及其關係企業投資大陸地區金融機構以外之金融相關事業之規定(103.03.18 訂定) |
Regulations Governing Banks, Financial Holding Companies and their affiliated Enterprises investing Financial Related Enterprises besides financial institutions in the Mainland Area |
97. |
大陸地區發行之貨幣進出入臺灣地區許可辦法 |
Regulations Governing Carrying Coins and Notes Issued in the Mainland Area In and Out of Taiwan Area |
98. |
金融控股公司以法定盈餘公積及資本公積發給股東現金相關規定 |
Regulations Governing Cash Distributions to Shareholders from Legal Reserve or Capital Reserve by Financial Holding Companies |
99. |
金融機構對達一定金額以上通貨交易及疑似洗錢交易申報辦法 |
Regulations Governing Cash Transaction Reports (CTR)and Suspicious Transaction Reports (STR) by Financial Institutions |
100. |
證券投資信託事業證券投資顧問事業證券商兼營信託業務管理辦法 |
Regulations Governing Concurrent Conduct of Trust Business by Securities Investment Trust Enterprises, Securities Investment Consulting Enterprises, and Securities Firms |
101. |
電子票證發行機構負責人兼職限制及應遵行事項準則 |
Regulations Governing Concurrent Serving Restrictions and Matters for Compliance by the Responsible Persons of Electronic Stored Value Card Issuers |
102. |
金融機構監管辦法 |
Regulations Governing Conservatorship of Banking Institutions |
103. |
與境外機構合作或協助境外機構於我國境內從事電子支付機構業務相關行為管理辦法 |
Regulations Governing Cooperating with or Assisting Foreign Institutions in Engaging in Activities Associated with Electronic Payment Business within the Territory of the Republic of China |
104. |
銀行業暨保險業辦理消費者信用交易廣告應揭示總費用範圍及年百分率計算方式標準 |
Regulations Governing Disclosure of Total Finance Charges In Consumer Credit Transaction Advertisements and Calculation of Annual Percentage Rate by Banks and Insurance Enterprises |
105. |
金融機構國內分支機構管理辦法 |
Regulations Governing Domestic Branches of Financial Institutions |
106. |
金融機構兼營票券金融業務許可辦法 |
Regulations Governing Financial Institutions Applying To Engage In Bills Finance Business |
107. |
外國銀行分行及代表人辦事處設立及管理辦法 |
Regulations Governing Foreign Bank Branches And Representative Offices |
108. |
票券金融公司辦理外幣債券經紀自營及投資管理辦法 |
Regulations Governing Foreign Currency Bond Brokerage, Proprietary Trading, and Investment by Bills Finance Companies |
109. |
電子支付機構身分確認機制及交易限額管理辦法 |
Regulations Governing Identity Verification Mechanism and Transaction Amount Limits of Electronic Payment Institutions |
110. |
受託機構私募不動產投資信託或資產信託受益證券投資說明書應行記載事項準則 |
Regulations Governing Information to be Disclosed in Investment Memorandums for Private Placement of REIT or REAT Beneficiary Securities by a Trustee |
111. |
票券金融公司年報應行記載事項準則 |
Regulations Governing Information to be Published in Annual Reports of Bills Finance Companies |
112. |
金融業募集發行有價證券公開說明書應行記載事項準則 |
Regulations Governing Information to be Published in Financial Institution Prospectuses for Offering and Issuance of Securities |
113. |
信用卡業務機構管理辦法 |
Regulations Governing Institutions Engaging In Credit Card Business |
114. |
銀行業及其他經金融監督管理委員會指定之金融機構防制洗錢及打擊資恐內部控制與稽核制度實施辦法 |
Regulations Governing Internal Audit and Internal Control System of Anti-Money Laundering and Countering Terrorism Financing of Banking Business and Other Financial Institutions Designated by the Financial Supervisory Commission |
115. |
辦理融資性租賃業務事業防制洗錢及打擊資恐內部控制與稽核制度實施辦法 |
Regulations Governing Internal Audit and Internal Control System of Anti-Money Laundering and Countering Terrorism Financing of Financial Leasing Enterprises |
116. |
銀行辦理衍生性金融商品業務內部作業制度及程序管理辦法 |
Regulations Governing Internal Operating Systems and Procedures for Banks Conducting Financial Derivatives Business |
117. |
金融機構作業委託他人處理內部作業制度及程序辦法 |
Regulations Governing Internal Operating Systems and Procedures for the Outsourcing of Financial Institution Operation |
118. |
票券金融公司投資債券及股權商品管理辦法 |
Regulations Governing Investment in Bonds and Equity Products by Bills Finance Companies |
119. |
銀行、金融控股公司及其關係企業投資大陸地區金融機構以外之金融相關事業之規定(101.10.26 訂定) |
Regulations Governing Investments by Banks, Financial Holding Companies, and Their Affiliated Enterprises in Chinese Mainland Finance-Related Enterprises Other Than Financial Institutions |
120. |
票券金融公司轉投資管理辦法 |
Regulations Governing Investments by Bills Finance Companies in Other Enterprises |
121. |
商業銀行轉投資應遵守事項準則 |
Regulations Governing Investments in Other Enterprises by Commercial Banks |
122. |
商業銀行投資不動產辦法 |
Regulations Governing Investments in Real Estate by Commercial Banks |
123. |
銀行發行金融債券辦法 |
Regulations Governing Issuance of Bank Debentures by Banks |
124. |
金融控股公司發行公司債辦法 |
Regulations Governing Issuance of Corporate Bonds by Financial Holding Companies |
125. |
外國銀行在臺分行發行新臺幣金融債券辦法 |
Regulations Governing Issuance of NTD Bank Debentures by Foreign Bank Branches |
126. |
信託資金集合管理運用管理辦法 |
Regulations Governing Management and Utilization of Collective Investment Trust Funds |
127. |
外國金融機構與本國金融機構合併概括承受或概括讓與辦法 |
Regulations Governing Mergers or Consolidations, General Assumptions, or General Assignments Between Foreign Financial Institutions and Domestic Financial Institutions |
128. |
金融機構非營業用辦公場所管理辦法 |
Regulations Governing Non-Business Operation Offices of Financial Institutions |
129. |
金融機構營業場所外自動化服務設備管理辦法 |
Regulations Governing Off-Premises Automatic Teller Machines of Financial Institutions |
130. |
臺灣地區銀行在香港澳門設立分支機構子公司許可辦法 |
Regulations Governing Permission for Taiwan Area Banks to Establish Branches and Subsidiaries in Hong Kong and Macao |
131. |
專營電子支付機構負責人資格條件兼職限制及其他應遵行事項準則 |
Regulations Governing Qualification Requirements and Concurrent Serving Restrictions and matters for Compliance by the Responsible Persons of a Specialized Electronic Payment Institution |
132. |
銀行負責人應具備資格條件兼職限制及應遵行事項準則 |
Regulations Governing Qualification Requirements and Concurrent Serving Restrictions and Matters for Compliance by the Responsible Persons of Banks |
133. |
金融控股公司發起人負責人應具備資格條件負責人兼職限制及應遵行事項準則 |
Regulations Governing Qualification Requirements for the Founder or Responsible Persons of Financial Holding Companies and Concurrent Serving Restrictions and Matters for Compliance by the Responsible Persons of a Financial Holding Company |
134. |
金融機構接管辦法 |
Regulations Governing Receivership of Banking Institutions |
135. |
金融機構對經指定制裁對象之財物或財產上利益及所在地通報辦法 |
Regulations Governing Reporting on the Properties or Property Interests and Locations of Designated Sanctioned Individuals or Entities by Financial Institutions |
136. |
信託業負責人應具備資格條件暨經營與管理人員應具備信託專門學識或經驗準則 |
Regulations Governing Required Qualifications for Responsible Persons and Required Trust Expertise or Experience for Operations and Managerial Personnel of Trust Enterprises |
137. |
信用合作社投資有價證券辦法 |
Regulations Governing Securities Investment of Credit Cooperatives |
138. |
外籍移工國外小額匯兌業務管理辦法 |
Regulations Governing Small Amount Remittance Services for Foreign Migrant Workers |
139. |
金融機構辦理受災居民債務展延利息補貼辦法 |
Regulations Governing Subsidy of Interest on Debt Extension of Disaster-affected Residents |
140. |
發行國際通用電子票證或與國外機構合作發行電子票證之審核標準及管理辦法 |
Regulations Governing the Approval Review Criteria and the Administration of the Issuing of International Electronic Stored Value Cards or Cooperating with a Foreign Institution in Issuing Electronic Stored Value Cards |
141. |
臺灣地區與大陸地區金融業務往來及投資許可管理辦法 |
Regulations Governing the Banking Activity and the Establishment and the Investment by Financial Institution Between the Taiwan Area and the Mainland Area |
142. |
信用合作社業務區域辦法 |
Regulations Governing the Business Territory of a Credit Cooperative |
143. |
銀行資本適足性及資本等級管理辦法 |
Regulations Governing the Capital Adequacy and Capital Category of Banks |
144. |
信用合作社資本適足性及資本等級管理辦法 |
Regulations Governing the Capital Adequacy Ratio and Capital Grade of Credit Cooperatives |
145. |
金融控股公司之子公司減資辦法 |
Regulations Governing the Capital Reduction at the Subsidiaries of a Financial Holding Company |
146. |
金融控股公司合併資本適足性管理辦法 |
Regulations Governing the Consolidated Capital Adequacy of Financial Holding Companies |
147. |
信用合作社授信審議委員會組織準則 |
Regulations Governing the Credit Review Committees of Credit Cooperatives |
148. |
專營電子支付機構專用存款帳戶管理辦法 |
Regulations Governing the Dedicated Deposit Account of Specialized Electronic Payment Institutions |
149. |
存款帳戶及其疑似不法或顯屬異常交易管理辦法 |
Regulations Governing the Deposit Accounts and Suspicious or Unusual Transactions |
150. |
國際金融業務分行設立及應遵行事項辦法 |
Regulations Governing the Establishment and Compliance Matters of Offshore Banking Branches |
151. |
工業銀行設立及管理辦法 |
Regulations Governing The Establishment Criteria and Administration of The Industrial Bank |
152. |
金融機構設置簡易型分行管理辦法 |
Regulations Governing the Establishment of Mini-Branches by Financial Institutions |
153. |
票券商內部控制及稽核制度實施辦法 |
Regulations Governing the Implementation of Internal Control and Audit Systems by Bills Houses |
154. |
金融控股公司內部控制及稽核制度實施辦法 |
Regulations Governing the Implementation of Internal Control and Audit Systems by Financial Holding Companies |
155. |
信託業內部控制及稽核制度實施辦法 |
Regulations Governing the Implementation of Internal Control and Audit Systems by Trust Enterprises |
156. |
金融控股公司投資管理辦法 |
Regulations Governing the Investing Activities of a Financial Holding Company |
157. |
共同信託基金管理辦法 |
Regulations Governing the Management of Collective Trust Funds |
158. |
信託業辦理不指定營運範圍方法金錢信託運用準則 |
Regulations Governing the Operation of Discretionary Money Trusts by Trust Enterprises |
159. |
電子支付機構清償基金組織及管理辦法 |
Regulations Governing the Organization and Administration of Sinking Fund Established by Electronic Payment Institutions |
160. |
銀行資產評估損失準備提列及逾期放款催收款呆帳處理辦法 |
Regulations Governing the Procedures for Banking Institutions to Evaluate Assets and Deal with Non-performing/Non-accrual Loans |
161. |
票券金融公司資產評估損失準備提列及逾期授信催收款呆帳處理辦法 |
Regulations Governing the Procedures for Bills Finance Companies to Evaluate Assets, Set Aside Loss Reserves, and Handle Non-Performing Credit, Non-Accrual Loans, and Bad Debt |
162. |
信用合作社資產評估損失準備提列及逾期放款催收款呆帳處理辦法 |
Regulations Governing the Procedures for Credit Cooperatives to Evaluate Assets and Deal with Non-performing/Non-accrual Loans |
163. |
受託機構募集或私募不動產投資信託或資產信託受益證券處理辦法 |
Regulations Governing the Public Offering or Private Placement of REIT and REAT Beneficiary Securities by a Trustee |
164. |
信用合作社社員代表理事監事經理人應具備資格條件及選聘辦法 |
Regulations Governing the Qualifications and Election/Appointment of Membership Representatives, Directors, Supervisors and Managerial Officers of Credit Cooperatives |
165. |
公正第三人認可及其公開拍賣程序辦法 |
Regulations Governing The Recognition Of An Impartial Third Party And Its Public Auction Procedure |
166. |
票券商負責人及業務人員管理規則 |
Regulations Governing the Responsible Persons and Business Staff Members of Bills Houses |
167. |
集合管理運用金錢信託流動性資產範圍及比率準則 |
Regulations Governing the Scope and Ratio of Current Assets of Collectively Managed Money Trusts |
168. |
信託業營運範圍受益權轉讓限制風險揭露及行銷訂約管理辦法 |
Regulations Governing the Scope of Business, Restrictions on Transfer of Beneficiary Rights, Risk Disclosure, Marketing, and Conclusion of Contract by Trust Enterprises |
169. |
金融機構安全維護管理辦法 |
Regulations Governing the Security Maintenance and Administration of Financial Institutions |
170. |
電子票證應用安全強度準則 |
Regulations Governing the Security of Electronic Stored Value Cards |
171. |
電子支付機構資訊系統標準及安全控管作業基準辦法 |
Regulations Governing the Standards for Information System and Security Management of Electronic Payment Institutions |
172. |
票券金融公司從事衍生性金融商品交易管理辦法 |
Regulations Governing the Trading of Financial Derivatives by Bills Finance Companies |
173. |
金融控股公司之創業投資事業子公司參與投資金融事業以外非上市或上櫃公司一定限額及應遵行事項辦法 |
Regulations of Investment Ceilings and Guidelines Governing Financial Holding Company’s Venture Capital Subsidiaries Investing in Non-financial Enterprises Not Listed on Taiwan Stock Exchange or Taipei Exchange |
174. |
洗錢防制法第七條授權規定事項 |
Regulations Regarding Article 7 of The Money Laundering Control Act (Cash Transactions) |
175. |
洗錢防制法第八條授權規定事項 |
Regulations Regarding Article 8 of the Money Laundering Control Act |
176. |
電子支付機構管理條例第五條第二項授權規定事項辦法 |
Regulations Regarding Paragraph 2, Article 5 of the Act Governing Electronic Payment Institutions |
177. |
電子支付機構管理條例第二十二條第五項授權規定事項辦法 |
Regulations Regarding Paragraph 5, Article 22 of the Act Governing Electronic Payment Institutions |
178. |
銀行、金融控股公司及其關係企業投資大陸地區事業管理原則 |
Regulatory Principles for Investments in Mainland Area Enterprises by Banks, Financial Holding Companies, and Their Affiliated Enterprises |
179. |
金融控股公司之子公司進行共同行銷相關規範 |
Rules Concerning Cross-Selling by Financial Holding Company Subsidiaries |
180. |
國際金融業務分行管理辦法 |
Rules Governing Offshore Banking Branches |
181. |
電子支付機構業務管理規則 |
Rules Governing the Administration of Electronic Payment Business |
182. |
電子票證發行機構業務管理規則 |
Rules Governing the Business of Electronic Stored Value Card Issuers |
183. |
銀行發行特別股注意事項 |
Rules on Preferred share offerings by Taiwan R.O.C. banks |
184. |
個人網路銀行業務服務定型化契約範本 |
Standard Form Contract for Personal Online Banking Services |
185. |
消費性無擔保貸款定型化契約範本 |
Standard Form Contract for Unsecured Consumer Loan |
186. |
信託業設立標準 |
Standards for the Establishment of Trust Enterprises |
187. |
票券金融公司設立標準 |
Standards Governing the Establishment of Bills Finance Companies |
188. |
商業銀行設立標準 |
Standards Governing the Establishment of Commercial Banks |
189. |
銀行流動性覆蓋比率實施標準 |
Standards Implementing the Liquidity Coverage Ratio of Banks |
190. |
銀行淨穩定資金比率實施標準 |
Standards Implementing the Net Stable Funding Ratio of Banks |
191. |
活期(儲蓄)存款契約附屬金融卡定型化約款範本 |
Template of Standard Form Contract for ATM Card Accessory to Demand (Savings) Deposit Contract |
192. |
個人購車貸款定型化契約範本 |
Template of Standard Form Contract for Auto Loan |
193. |
個人購車及購屋貸款定型化契約範本 |
Template of Standard Form Contract for Auto Loan and Home Loan |
194. |
信用卡定型化契約範本 |
Template of Standard Form Contract for Credit Card |
195. |
電子票證定型化契約範本 |
Template of Standard Form Contract for Electronic Stored Value Card |
196. |
個人購屋貸款定型化契約範本 |
Template of Standard Form Contract for Home Loan |
197. |
金融機構保管箱出租定型化契約範本 |
Template of Standard Form Contract for Safe Deposit Box Rental |
198. |
電子支付機構業務定型化契約範本 |
Template of Standard Form Contract for the Business of Electronic Payment Institutions |
199. |
票券金融管理法 |
The Act Governing Bills Finance Business |
200. |
電子支付機構管理條例 |
The Act Governing Electronic Payment Institutions |
201. |
銀行法 |
The Banking Act of The Republic of China |
202. |
信用合作社法 |
The Credit Cooperatives Act Of The Republic Of China |
203. |
金融控股公司設立之申請書件及審查條件要點 |
The Directions Governing Application Documents and Review Criteria for the Approval of Financial Holding Company |
204. |
中國農民銀行土地債券法 |
The Farmers Bank of China’s Land Bond Act |
205. |
金融機構合併法 |
The Financial Institutions Merger Act |
206. |
金融監督管理委員會銀行局組織法 |
The Organic Act of the Banking Bureau, Financial Supervisory Commission |
207. |
申請持有同一銀行已發行有表決權股份總數超過百分之十五者應注意事項 |
The Points for a Person Applying for Holding More than Fifteen Percent (15%) of the Total Amount of the Voting Shares Issued by the Same Bank |
208. |
信託業法 |
Trust Enterprise Act |