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Title: Regulatory Principles for Investments in Mainland Area Enterprises by Banks, Financial Holding Companies, and Their Affiliated EnterprisesChinese
Date: 2010.12.16
Date: 2012.11.29 ( Modified )
Legislative / Regulatory History
1. The full text of 5 paragraphs promulgated by the the Financial Supervisory Commission, Executive Yuan Order No. Jin-Guan-Yin-Kun-Zi -09960006700 on December 16, 2010.
2. Paragraph 2 and 5 amended and promulgated by Financial Supervisory Commission, Executive Yuan Order No. Jin-Guan-Yin-Kun-Zi -10060001040 on 16 March 2011.
3. Paragraph 2 ,5 amended and paragraph 6 added and promulgated by Financial Supervisory Commission, Executive Yuan Order No. Jin-Guan-Yin-Kun-Zi - 10160004750 on 29 November 2012.